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Han You

Experiences bring wisdom

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Selected Projects

Improving Accuracy of Webcam Eye Tracker

In this project, existing eye tracking models iTracker from CSAIL and WebGazer from Brown HCI is chosen to be the prototype of this project. iTracker is an eye gaze prediction model for mobile devices, I use machine learning techniques to synchronize it with a high-quality eye tracker, and then use the ground truth from high-quality eye tracker to train a time-series regression model for optimizsing the accuracy of iTracker.

Statoil/C-CORE Iceberg Classifier Challenge

This is a kaggle competition, which is my course project of Machine Learning, I formed a group with another classmate to build an deep CNN that automatically identifies if a remotely sensed target is a ship or iceberg. By the time we submitted our project, we achieved an score that ranks top 3% (38/1827) in Kaggle and first in my class.

Spark System Performance Monitoring toolkit

This package is designated to monitoring resource occupation of a specific process, including Disk I/O, Network usage, and CPU/Memory usage. It's developped based on Jvmtop, Iotop and Nethogs, but fixing some bugs of them in terms of monitoring specified process. Check out it Here in my Github.

Music Information Retrival Based on Semantic Tags

I want to design a model that can retrieve similar audios from database. So I came up with a solution to combine tags and MFCCs to classify audios into different categories, then I use the prediction to retrieve similar audio segments from database. My solution achieves a MAP of 0.41.

Implementing Workflow for Biophysical Simulations in openDIEL

This is a GUI for running biophysics simulation remotely, with integrating a workflow engine named openDIEL to enable the biophycis simulation for large-scale parallel computing platform. Details are available Here.